Belgrade, March 9, 2007
It took almost two years that a part of workers’ expectations in the privatized company ‘’Minel Electric Equipment and Installations’’ began to fulfill. Minel EOP is a part of ABS Holdings whose majority proprietor is Mr. Nenad Popovic. The director Marko Vasovic presented the company’s history and current business operations to the representatives of Rumanian Trade Union ‘’Solidaritatea Metal’’, President Gheorghe Sora and Vice-President Liviu Apostoiu, as well as to the representatives of MWBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’, especially highlighting the period from 2005 until now.

Over 380 employees of Minel EOP draw their pay regularly, ranging from €250 - €300 on the average in net amount. The receipts in 2006 were 18 million dollars, which is by two and a half times more than the receipts in 2005. The current sales is oriented to domestic market, so that only 9% is exported, primarily to the so-called ‘’third world’’ countries (non-aligned) and the States of former Yugoslavia.

The intention of ABS Holdings, an integral part of which is Minel EOP, is to be a ‘’great player’’ in the Balkans, and the tradition and product quality, as well as an aspiration towards new technologies and new products, can conduce to realization of that ambition. Most products were granted a license and manufactured under the license of Siemens, ABB, Dukati, Brown Boweri and other renowned manufacturers in the world, therefore, Minel EOP’s products can be competitive in the world market.

Mr. Bora Savic, President of ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Trade Union of Minel EOP, emphasized that a Collective Agreement with the Employer was signed in the company and that the Employer accepted the arguments of ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Trade Union and re-approved the organized transport that was discontinued, but that the standpoints of the management and trade union were different concerning the labor cost, as well as a very small amount of money for hot meal during work, i.e. Din. 12,00 per day.

One gets an impression that only a slight effort and will are necessary for solving these problems. A general impression, after visit to the plant and the opinion stated by the guests of Rumanian Union, is that the company has all potentials for successful business operations, and an adequate communication with trade unions and employees is necessary for making this progress.

At this moment, we can say that Minel EOP operates well and that it certainly has business future, and trade unions can contribute to a great extent to this process in order to be more successful and faster, and whether this will happen, it depends on the relations between the employer and trade unions.

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