Collective Agreements and Secure Jobs – Trade Unions lasting preoccupation
Belgrade, June 25 2008
Two Seminars were held in Belgrade on June 12 – 13 2008, organized by the Regional Trustee Office for Belgrade and the UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Education, Research and Privatization Centre for Belgrade, on the subject of ‘’Collective bargaining, job safety and industrial hygiene.’’ The attendees of the Seminar were trustees of the ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Trade Union and members of the collective bargaining team on company level, from Organizations of Belgrade Region having strategic importance, members of the Job Safety Program Commission, branch union trustees, etc.
The Seminar was opened by prof. Zoran Stoiljkovic, Vice-President of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost”, and within the first subject, Dr Zoran Ristic, Director of the ERP Centre of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost”, had a presentation at the Seminar on the importance of collective bargaining and education in the area of job safety and industrial hygiene. Then, the statutory regulations of the collective bargaining process were presented by Dragica Misljenovic, UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ consultant for labor legislation issues.
The subject: “Analysis of the General Collective Agreement – Positive aspects, shortcomings, application and practice’’ was also presented by D. Misljenovic.
At the end of the first day it was appraised that the signing of the General C.A. between direct negotiators of Serbian Employers Union and Trade Unions was a very important step in the process of upgrading the collective bargaining process and that it was necessary to continue the negotiations on the branch union level and keep on signing the Branch Collective Agreements.
On the second day of the Seminar, there was a discussion about job safety and the role of labor inspection in the protection of employee status and rights. Sima Kosic, M. Sc. and Goran Arandjelovic, representatives of the Job Safety Administration, spoke about their experience in the application of the Job Safety Law.
Also, there was word about the role of Occupational Medicine in the job safety system, on which subject Mr. Petar Bulat, assistant director of the Institute for Occupational Medicine and Radiological Research of Serbian Clinic Centre, gave a speech.
The participants in the Seminar drew a conclusion that it was necessary to upgrade the cooperation between trade unions and Labor Inspectorate in order to minimize the violation of labor legislation, and representatives of the Inspectorate agreed with this.
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