Belgrade, January 19, 2007
Serbia is the only country in Europe in which trade unions’ property hasn’t been distributed. The European Confederation of Unions has reminded recently that it will use its influence in the European Union and condition our country’s integration into the EU when this problem is solved. The property will not be distributed until the European officials say clearly that this must be done, thinks Branislav Canak, President of “Nezavisnost” United Branch Union.

-“The Autonomous Trade Union Confederation of Serbia has premises with the area of over 40.000 m2. There is no trade union in the world which has such a large space.

They do not need such a large space and for this reason they lease a larger part of it, even 90%, thinks Canak. While they squander and lease the premises, we have to pay €10.000 per month for lease of the premises in Nusiceva Street, Belgrade, where our headquarters are located”, states Canak.

He doesn’t know precisely what is the income of the Trade Union Confederation of Serbia from the lease of premises, but he said that he has been informed at a meeting that the word was about a sum of Din. 100 million per month.

They maintain in the Trade Union Confederation of Serbia that they do not lease premises, but that the Trade Union of Serbia and Montenegro used to do this.

-“Our headquarters in Decanska Street, Belgrade, have an area of 1.300 m2. Such area belongs to us and I don’t know about the premises of municipal trade union councils, says Ljubisav Orbovic, Vice-President of the Autonomous Trade Union Confederation, for “Blic” newspaper, asserting that these headquarters didn’t derive any profit from the lease of premises to the Trade Union Confederation of Serbia and Montenegro. How is the money from the lease of premises distributed, no one wants to say, and we couldn’t find a collocutor in that phantom Trade Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

Slobodan Lalovic, Minister of Labor, announced at the Congress of UBU “Nezavisnost”, which has taken place recently, that the State would finally provide business premises for this trade union’s headquarters in the building in Nusiceva Street, that they are using presently. Branislav Canak, the first man of these headquarters, says that he cannot be quite certain that the mentioned space will be provided for them, all the more so, the Minister said himself only a day later that the premises would be provided for them, but in six months period.

They provided premises for us before, but such that one couldn’t even enter there. The word is about the premises on Kosancicev Venac which no one has used for the last 20 years. They had been in such a condition that the people from the Ministry of Labor apologized to us subsequently for offering them to us, says Canak.

As many members, as much property. They agree in unions’ headquarters that it isn’t easy to distribute property but state that this job was done in the East European countries where there was once only one trade union as in our country. Namely, union organizations had been granted property proportionate to the number of members.

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