Belgrade, December 26, 2006
Before elections in Serbia, even these parliamentary elections, the parties and coalitions remember the retired persons ‘’unexpectedly’’, as a numerous population and voters, and then they start making various unrealistic and false promises that do not oblige anyone after the elections. The parties and individuals of former regime until 2000 are predominant here: Serbian Socialist Party (SSP), Serbian Radical Party (SRP), and especially Serbian Associated Pensioners Party (SAPP) headed by Jovan Krkobabic.

The word is about ‘’those’’ who created and pursued a hazardous, inhumane, disastrous policy, first of all, towards their own country and citizens. They ruined the pension funds and property and reduced retired persons to poverty! We neither knew when we were going to get the retiring allowance nor the amount of allowance. The President of SAPP, Jovan Krkobabic, is especially insolent and arrogant, who was the emissary of SSP and Yugoslav Left Wing and President of the Managing Board of Serbian Pension and Disability Insurance Fund in the period of greatest suffering of retired persons in Serbia. By his flattering behavior towards Milosevic and his wife, he subordinated the interests of Retired Persons’ Association to their parties, himself and a group of people from his environment.

Unfortunately, due to the non-existence of real changes in Serbia after 2000, they remained partners of this Government too, and retired persons’ status is still very bad.

Now, through Serbian Associated Pensioners Party (SAPP), the members of which are Bidza, Covic, Segrt and others, besides Krkobabic, and they are trying again to “deceive” the pensioners at the elections, seize electoral mandates and continue the trade with their interests.

The Retired Persons’ Union “Nezavisnost” does not believe that retired persons in Serbia have so “bad memory” and that they will be taken in by this attempt of deceit. When you observe one of their pre-election slogans “Everything for Serbia – Serbia for nothing!” – you will see that they have given nothing to Serbia so far but have taken much from Serbia and its citizens.

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