Belgrade, December 5, 2006
The Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for EU Integration has, as from November 30 – December 1, 2006, organized the training on negotiations and implementation of the Social Dialogue on the subject: “Serbia and Stabilization Process and EU Integration”. The Seminar was held in cooperation with and the support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, “Invent” Agency and European Policy Institute from Berlin. The Seminar was held in the Ministers’ Council Palace in Novi Beograd.

The objective of this Seminar was to consider the Social Dialogue in EU member-states and at European level. The Social partners play a very important role today in the European labor relations system. The participants in the Seminar were all potential participants of a three-party Social Dialogue in Serbia, representatives of both representative Unions (Federation of Serbian Unions and “Nezavisnost” Union), representatives of Serbian Employers’ Union and representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Serbian Government. The representatives of the Socio-Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia were also present. From five participants in the Seminar, there were three from the MWBU “Nezavisnost”.

Wit the view of exchanging the experience with the experts from EU member-states in the sphere of Social Dialogue, the relations between Social partners in Germany were considered. The process and procedures for concluding Collective Agreements and settlement of collective labor disputes were discussed. The discussion was very intense and mutual exchange of opinions would be very useful for further Social Dialogue in Serbia. At certain moments it seemed that the participants talked in different languages, with regard to stressing opposed interests, but the culture of dialogue, mutual listening and respecting Social partners, resulted in a very constructive exchange of opinions.

Frank Hantke of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Belgrade Office, dealt, in continuation, with the topic titled “Strengthening Social Partners and Promotion of the Dialogue, through experience and implementation in Serbia”.

On the second day of the Seminar, Mrs. Verena Martelanz spoke about the “Relations between business partners in Austria” and “Development and structure of Social Dialogue at the European level”. The discussion ended by reviewing the current problems and challenges of Social Dialogue at the European level.

The moderator of this two-day Seminar was Jan Rekman of the European Policy Institute from Berlin. The Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for EU Integration continues the realization of the Seminar within the Program titled “Agreement on stabilization and integration”, and this was the 9th Seminar within this Project.

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