Belgrade, November 24, 2006
The VI Congress of UBU “Nezavisnost” was opened formally in the “Sava Centar” in Belgrade, after the projection of the promotional film about “Nezavisnost” Union, on November 24, 2006. At the beginning of the Congress, the working bodies have been elected, Rules of Procedure and Work Report between the V and VI Congress adopted, and the Report was read by Branislav Canak, President of UBU “Nezavisnost”. All the present were also addressed by Slobodan Lalovic, Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Policy in the Government of the Republic of Serbia. After the welcome address of domestic and foreign guests, the delegates have considered the proposal of a new Statute and other Congress documents.
After the Credentials Committee has established that 278 delegates of a total of 300 delegates were present at the VI Congress of UBU “Nezavisnost”, the gathering could have continued its work and made valid decisions.
The Work Report between the V and VI Congress has been submitted by Branislav Canak, President of UBU “Nezavisnost”. In his statement, he noted that political, social and economic environment today “was worse than at the time of Slobodan Milosevic”, who was, according to his words, at least “consistent” in contrast to his “successors”, who often surprised us and fell short of our expectations.
When the word is about social dialogue in Serbia, Canak thinks that such dialogue does not exist and that there is much evidence for that. Since 2001 when the Socio-Economic Council was formed, the Government has given consideration to this Body only when necessary. One gets an impression that the Government does not need social partners.
Also, there is no unity between social partners and unions, so that one cannot speak about three-party system.
A recent merging of two international union headquarters in Vienna into a new organization – International Confederation of Unions (ICU) is very important for future work of UBU “Nezavisnost”. We must bear in mind that a new time requires new unions, and for this reason we have to differ from other unions from the countries of former socialism, namely, we have to change ourselves and try to be much better. The knowledge and solidarity will still remain something recognizable, said Canak at the end of his speech.
Slobodan Lalovic, Minister of Labor in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, greeting the delegates of VI Congress and guests, said that many positive things happened in Serbia and that a significant progress has been made in raising the citizens’ standard of living. The “consumer’s basket” and earnings in Serbia were increased in the last six years. Maybe, the earnings are not “sufficient”, but they have been increased, as well as the social product, which was increased by 6% in the last three years. He is convinced that a majority of workers supports the democratic forces and that, in the light of future entering the European Union, it is important that democratic forces should continue these processes. When the premises for UBU “Nezavisnost” are in question, on which issue one hasn’t still made a decision, he stated the Government’s promise that the whole building in 4, Nusiceva Street would be placed at UBU “Nezavisnost” disposal.
The Congress was welcomed by Guy Ryder, Secretary General of International Confederation of Unions, John Monks, Secretary General of European Confederation of Unions, Jim Baker of ILO, Lori Clemens of American Unions AFL-CIO and many others. After lunch break, the delegates continued considering the proposal of a new Statute and other Congress documents.
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