Belgrade, November 7, 2006
The Government of the Republic of Serbia refused to discuss about the metal industry complex, because of an imprudent, self-centered and promotional act of Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia.
“The Government of the Republic of Serbia is not willing to accept and consider the demands of the Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia”, stated Predrag Bubalo, Minister of Economic Affairs.
The Minister stated this after an exposé, in which he explained the present situation in the metal industry, as well as the actions taken by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Serbian Government since 2003 until now. “Significant funds were spent for saving the metal industry and for its privatization, many important and successful privatizations were carried out, some systems were protected by “restructuring”, and the entire process is in the final phase with great prospects for a successful privatization. The examples of Bor and Kragujevac are indicators that the Government and Ministry of Economic Affairs led and guided Serbian “giants” successfully towards privatization”, it has been stated in the justification of Serbian Government’s actions, when the metal industry complex is in question. This is only one of minister Bubalo’s positions that he assumed when appearing before Serbian Government, commenting on the demands of the Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia.
The representatives of UBU “Nezavisnost” in the Socio-Economic Council, Zoran Stoiljkovic and Dragan Matic, also stated many issues on the mode of formulating the demands and choosing the right time for their actualization (elections, new Government, the end of privatization).
“Who is serious in this country to state the demands to the Government without securing the support of partner organizations before that? Why the Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia did not get in touch with the MWBU “Nezavisnost”, the second representative Union in Serbia with which the Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia works on preparing the Branch Collective Agreement”, asked Dragan Matic, President of MWBU “Nezavisnost”.
Listening to the exposé of minister Bubalo and reading the demands, one got an impression that the Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia and minister Bubalo were not from the same country (?!). The Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia did not provide any relevant fact by which it would support its demands. It turned out that this “action” was neither coordinated with the headquarters of the Autonomous Union Federation nor with other members of the Socio-Economic Council from the Autonomous Union Federation. In fact, only minister Lalovic understood what the Autonomous Metal Workers’ Union of Serbia demanded and what it could get. Minister Lalovic was reproached by the President of MWBU “Nezavisnost” that he put the demands easily and pretentiously on the agenda of the Socio-Economic Council without consulting the members of Serbian Government.
As the most important issue concerning terrible conduct of employers, the President of MWBU “Nezavisnost”, Dragan Matic, stated the attitudes and conduct of Predrag Rankovic-Peconi in the companies that he bought. Breaking the union’s and workers’ rights, violating the laws, referring to the fact that he was supported by political elite of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Peconi began to ruin systematically the companies he bought: Albus, Vital, Rubin, MBS experienced this firsthand. “What is the Government and Ministry of Economic Affairs going to do in this case?” – Dragan Matic asked. Minister Lalovic, SEC President, suggested that UBU “Nezavisnost” should propose and formulate the item of the agenda for the Session of SEC and in that way engage Serbian Government, employers and unions, through SEC institution, to consider “Peconi’s” case.

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