Novi Beograd, October 26, 2006
The interceding of IMT ''Nezavisnost'' Union that any employee mustn't lose his job, without observing the legal procedure and application of the criteria for employee evaluation, resulted in a letter sent to ''IMT'' employees and factory executives.
In the statement of IMT ''Nezavisnost'' Union it stands inter alia:
''The final phase of determining the redundancies in IMT is completed, but previous agreements, as well as the experience from earlier social programs applied in IMT and in other companies in Serbia, where social program, financed by the State, has been defined, - was neither observed nor applied!
The voluntary expressing of views included 117 employees, as well as about 120 employees who came out for the possibility to be registered in the records of the National Employment Office in a period of two years until they acquired the right to retirement. From the final number of 320 employees, selected for the social program, the names of about 80 employees were put in the list without being aware of that, with impossibility of lodging a timely complaint to the commission which was appointed for such situations.
The agreed criteria for determining the redundancies could not have been observed, and this was probably not in IMT's management interest. Such a way is an ideal opportunity to get rid of the ''unfit ones'' and exclude them from the company, based on various personal criteria, and that there is ''A LAW'' or ethical basis for this. The IMT ''Nezavisnost'' Union does not accept such biased and unilateral application of the solution and advises all employees, which would be included among those 80 employees planned for the social program, to appeal to their immediate superiors,who put their names on the redundancy list. Also, we offer the possibility that, regardless of union membership, each employee appeals to the office of IMT ''Nezavisnost'' Union for help.
The Metal Workers' Branch Union ''Nezavisnost'' will intercede, through a representative of UBU ''Nezavisnost'' in the working group for considering and evaluating the documents of social programs with the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy, that the procedure, anticipated by the Government's decision on the program for establishing surplus manpower in the process of rationalization, restructuring and preparations for privatization, is fully observed. It is especially problematic that other two unions, although being signatories of the criteria, didn't raise their voice at the moment when those criteria were not applied, what means that the names of leaders of those Unions, ASNS and SSS, of IMT Union, will not be included among the names of 80 colleagues, declared to be redundancies.
''The main reason for such ''COWBOY's'' acting of IMT management, as well as of ASNS and SSS, is the refusal of working out a new job classification for employees which are going to remain in the company. The IMT ''Nezavisnost'' Union requests that a list is presented in order to view the structure of employees remaining in the company, namely, those who will make possible that the company operates and makes profit...'', it is said in the statement of IMT ''Nezavisnost'' Union's Committee, Novi Beograd.
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