In the weekly publication of Pomoravlje - ‘’Novi put’’ Jagodina
Jagodina, September 16 2008
Zoran Milovanovic (52) from Jagodina, editor of the weekly publication of Pomoravlje – ‘’Novi put’’, was given a suspended sentence, because of battery and torture. It was stated in the justification of the sentence given by the judge of the Municipal Court of Jagodina, Radojica Lekovic, that it was proved that the sentenced Milovanovic transgressed the relations between a manager and employee by his acts and behavior. Judge Lekovic said that all witnesses confirmed the statements of the bill of indictment and that Milovanovic even confirmed this partly in his defense. The bill of indictment was upraised against him, because he acted toward Ivana Delic-Jankovic (36) from Jagodina, journalist and editor of the column in ‘’Novi put’’, in such a way that ‘’human dignity’’ was offended.
It was also stated in the indictment that he said to her as follows: ‘’she didn’t know to do her job properly, he used to tear up her texts, throw her out of the office in the presence of colleagues, used to break things and objects in the office in her presence and then he threw her out with the words: ‘’Get out of here! Pack your things! Beat it!’’ He requested her not to come to work, because her presence bothered him, as well as her odor, voice, laughter.
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