Noticed problems of youth education and employment resulted in a joint action of educators and metal industry workers
Belgrade, August 27 2008
Everyday meeting with trade union members and awareness of current problems in the area of the economy brought about the work-out of the project by ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Branch Union of Educators and MWBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’, through concerted efforts, with the working title ‘’Proper education – a good job.’’ Behind this slogan there is our awareness that educational capacities in Serbia do not correspond to real needs of Serbian economy at this time. A vision of needs and requirements for personnel, i.e. new employees, analysis of the present situation, development plans of Serbian society and economy, do not, unfortunately, exist. Thousands of young people go to schools and receive education, and after completed schools they wait to get a job at the Employment Offices together with their colleagues from earlier generations who also wait to get some job. Trade Unions of the ‘’Nezavisnost’’ family show interest in order to overcome such situation.
In an attempt to implement this project, metal industry workers and educators turned to those having similar views concerning this problem, namely, they appealed to Serbian Employers Union and the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development aiming at finding the most efficient way, through partnership, to implement the project: ‘’Proper education – a good job’’ as soon as possible.
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