Branislav Canak (co-owner of the newspaper ‘’Danas’’) ‘’made trouble’’ again by appointing representatives of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ in three-party bodies on the Republic level
Belgrade, June 24 2008
The warnings of MWBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ that B.C. (co-owner of the newspaper ‘’Danas’’) manipulates with people, abuses the office of President of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ and assumes competences of the UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Leading Committee, turned out to be true in the ‘’Information on representatives of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ in three-party bodies’’, which was distributed at the Session of the Leading Committee.
When a question was asked by the Secretary of MWBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’, A. Todic, about the names of their representatives appearing in three-party bodies and their appointment, B.C. said that he was the one who did this.
The UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Leading Committee was silent, it waived the rights assigned to it by trade union members to protect and apply the Statute, while in Art. 39. of the Statute of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ it stands: ‘’The Leading Committee is the supreme body between the two Congresses and it appoints representatives of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ in two-party and three-party bodies on the national level.’’
In the text of the ‘’Information’’ it stands: Due to objective or subjective reasons, certain replacements of representatives in some three-party bodies were made, namely, representatives were appointed in working bodies constituted after that Session.’’ The names of representatives in three-party bodies, not appointed by the UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Leading Committee, but by B. Canak, are as follows:
Slavko Vlaisavljevic, President of GS PUT ‘’Nezavisnost’’, President of the Provinical Committee of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ for Vojvodina and Vice-President of the mentioned trade union, appears in the Managing Board of the Health Insurance Company on the Republic level.
Dragan Milovanovic – Pilac, ‘’an enormous man’’ appears in the Auditing Committee of the Republic PDI Fund instead of Nebojsa Savic, who founded the UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ and many Branch Unions, who was a representative of the MWBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’.
It is important for some individuals not to be the ‘’target’’ of B. Canak and evade dismissal from position by Canak. For those individuals of the Leading Committee applies our people’s saying: ‘’Tie horses where your Master tells you to tie even if horses and Master die.’’
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