Belgrade, December 31, 2007
The Session of the Leading Committee of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ began its work by adopting the Minutes of III Session of the Leading Committee of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’. The President, Branislav Canak, informed the Leading Committee that we lost the old member of ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Union and member of the Leading Committee of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’, colleague Branislav Bozic from Becej. The ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Union lost a good colleague and active member who contributed a lot to solving problems in the area of agriculture in an easier way. The Leading Committee’s members said farewell to colleague Bozic by one minute of silence.
Verification of Leading Committee’s members was carried out. They come from the ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Branch Union of ‘’Educators”, namely, Budimka Cikaric and Slavko Derin. The resolution of the working party was adopted with certain amendments relating to issues of organization and operations of Legal Department of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’. The operation of Legal Department is regulated by the Rules of Legal Department Operations of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost”. Such new organization of Legal Department will enable the provision of significant funds and the Presidency of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ will decide on spending these funds.
A considerable part of the Leading Committee topics was focused on the Report of professional working party for making a proposal of organization and actions of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ in the political-territorial autonomy units and local government.
The information of the public sector privatization was given by A. Titovic, President of ‘’Nezavisnost’’ BU ‘’SITEL”. At the Session of the Socio-Economic Council, at which this theme was discussed, the members of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Union, ‘’Nezavisnost’’ BU ‘’SITEL”, ‘’Nezavisnost’’ BU HNER, ‘’Nezavisnost’’ BU JSKD objected to Minister Dinkic’s proposal. The principal disagreement was reflected in the amount of employee compensation per years of service. Also, it was demanded that, as to value assessment, the ‘’estimated market value’’ should not be considered but only the accounting value.
The Leading Committee of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ supported these positions on the basis of arguments of colleague Titovic and standpoints of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ Program Commission for Privatization. By organizing a protest, a discontent was shown, because of Minister Dinkic’s solutions backed up by Serbian Government and the Assembly. Specific activities and actions have been planned that would conduce to alteration of the solutions, and the Privatization Commission will be in session and shall present a proposal of the solution for public sector privatization.
The agony in the ‘’Nezavisnost’’ BU of Educators ended by expelling Zdravko Kovac and Ranko Krnjez. Consolidated educators continue the activities that will lead to strengthening and development of ‘’Nezavisnost’’ BU of Educators, and all members of UBU ‘’Nezavisnost’’ will give them adequate support.
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