The EMF Congress, attended by some 500 persons opened 6 June at Lisbon’s famous Expo Centre. Participants included nearly 400 EMF delegates from 68 affiliated organizations in 33 European countries and some 75 international and local guests and observers. The first day ended with the election of its main office-holders for the next four years. It elected a new EMF President, Renzo Ambrosetti, President of Unia (CH), who has been an active member of the EMF Executive Committee and Collective Bargaining Policy Committee for many years. He received 97% of the votes cast. It also re-elected Peter Scherrer (IG Metall – D) as EMF General Secretary (with 87% of the votes cast) and Bart Samyn (ABVV Metaal – B) as EMF Deputy General Secretary (with 78% of the votes cast).

The Opening Ceremony included an address by the Portuguese Minister of Labour Mr. José Antonio Fonseca Viera da Silva, whose presence confirmed the trade union view that EU construction is not just a question of economic integration but also one of social integration, requiring the support of the people and of course the workers. Another key speaker was the Secretary-General of CEEMET (the Council of European Employers of the Metal Engineering and Technology-based industries) Uwe Combüchen, who talked of the challenges facing our industries, and the importance of the social dialogue which enabled EMF and CEEMET to develop cooperation in the interests of the industries and members we represent.
The Congress participants were also addressed by the President of Fequimetal (P), Joao Da Silva, and the President of SIMA (P), José Antonio Simoes as well as the General Secretary of the International Metalworkers’ Federation, Marcello Malentacchi, and the Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Rainer Hoffmann, who all highlighted the importance of solidarity in building up a Social Europe, a Citizens’ Europe, focused on our shared values, employment, social justice and democracy.

The Opening Ceremony included a Portuguese theatre performance and a film produced for the EMF on the changing world of the European metalworking industry. The film showed how workers are faced with similar changes and challenges throughout Europe and how solidarity is the key to dealing with the problems and negotiating a better future.

The MWBU ''Nezavisnost'' delegation at the Congress in Lisbon was composed of Dragan Matiæ, President, Mileta Gujanièiæ, Vice-President and Aleksandar Todiæ, Secretary.

Congress also debated the EMF Secretariat’s Report on Activities 2003-2007 and adopted amendments to the EMF Statutes. It elected a new Executive Committee and Auditing Committee. Congress expressed its thanks to the retiring President, Tony Janssen of the Belgian CCMB, and a retiring Vice-President of the EMF, Rudi Nürnberger from the Austrian GMTN, for their long-standing and committed services to the organisation (Website EMF)

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