Closing Conference: “Strengthening of the Social Dialogue in South-Eastern Europe through CSR Instruments”
Istanbul, 24-25.04.2007. The closing conference, held in Istanbul on 24th and 25th April 2007, brought together some 65 metalworkers’ trade union representatives from 14 European countries, employers’ organisations and government representatives. The conference was the culmination of a joint EMF and DGB Bildungswerk project focusing on social dialogue and industrial relations in South-Eastern Europe.
Five workshops for workers’ and trade unions’ representatives were successfully carried out in the project countries on trade union activities and policy-making at European level, social dialogue and industrial relations systems in different European countries, as well as on different tools for solving problems in multinational companies.
The project was accompanied by a survey, carried out by the University of Bochum (Gemeinsame Arbeitsstelle RUB/IGM), which provided better knowledge of the metal industry in the region, in particular on the structure and recent developments of FDI and future trends, as well as on industrial relations and working conditions in multinational companies in South-Eastern Europe. “The trade unions can and should actively influence industrial policy in their country with a view to sustainable development, economic growth and more and better employment”, stated the EMF General Secretary Peter Scherrer.
Many of the trade unions in South-Eastern Europe are still confronted with serious difficulties: no effective social dialogue structures, weak employers’ organisations and/or often employers who do not respect basic labour rights, privatisation and restructuring, decreasing membership. This is the reality that many trade unionists from the region face every day in their work.
These issues are of central importance also in the country hosting the conference, Turkey, where workers’ basic rights with regard to freedom of association and collective bargaining are often violated although they are guaranteed by Turkish law and the ILO Conventions ratified by Turkey. This dramatic situation is often caused by the fact that Turkish labour legislation is not in line with the main internationally agreed rules and practices recognized throughout the European Union, of which Turkey aspires to become a member.
The issue of the freedom of association in Turkey is still a major cause of concern, expressed by both the ILO and the EU. The conference participants fully supported the demands of the trade unions and workers’ representatives to bring Turkish legislation into line with internationally recognized conventions and European standards.
The conference was held against the background of European integration and challenges arising from this process. The conference gave a clear message: the EMF and its member organisations continue to do everything within their power to make use of opportunities opened by enlargement and to exclude any threats to workers’ interests. “We must make sure that the integration of the acceding countries to the European Union is a success, especially in relation to social and economic standards” said Peter Scherrer, EMF General Secretary. ”Trade unions have an important role to play in making sure that accession takes places in a socially acceptable manner. Europe has to have a strong social dimension if it is to be a Europe which is accepted and respected by European workers and citizens. We have to fight for this social dimension together, and in solidarity. It is particularly important to recall this once again in view of the forthcoming EMF Congress in June, the motto of which will be: “Building a Social Europe through Solidarity” (Website EMF, 25.04.2007.)
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