Belgrade, March 18, 2007
A new trade union’s form of informing and communication, promoted by MWBU “Nezavisnost”, with originally conceptualized web portal, became an example of European way of communication with the members and the public, other union headquarters in Serbia and neighboring countries in the Region, which are, unfortunately, lagging behind in that respect. In five months of its functioning, the website of “Nezavisnost” Metal Workers’ Branch Union, at the Internet address: was visited by 10.000 visitors from this country and abroad until today. All subject matter and daily union news from Serbia appear on the site, parallel in Serbian and English language. The site is constantly served by four colleagues, with periodical participation of other colleagues from the Region.

At the start, in October 2006, the site had about 500 visitors, and 2100 visitors were recorded in February. Although the website of MWBU “Nezavisnost” has been active for only five months, it has been commended by many site visitors and received numerous proposals and suggestions, which obligates us to continue our work.

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