Belgrade, March 7, 2007
At the beginning of 2007 employees' injuries and fatalities at the workplace have increased, and all of us responsible for employees' protection and safety must announce the highest level of alarm.

We cannot bring back those who lost their lives, but it is at least honest to reconsider the responsibility of all of us individually, who had to perform the activities and take actions in order that these accidents wouldn't happen. The actions and interceding of MWBU ''Nezavisnost'' in the companies in which it has its members (''CIMOS'' Kikinda Foundry, ''RTB'' Bor, and in other companies) were not sufficient to prevent accidents even through application of the legislation from the job safety area. We can say that we have much less responsibility in respect to this, compared to those who caused the accidents directly by their idleness and idifference.

The warnings we gave, in direct contact with the Job Safety Department within the Ministry of Labor, that a significant number of employers ignored the laws and that this resulted in employees' injuries and loss of lives, didn't result in additional activities of the Job Safety Department.

The MWBU ''Nezavisnost'' will take a comprehensive and unified action at the level of Serbia, that everyone being responsible for job safety in any way, has to assume responsibility and join our action: ''Safe job - good job''.

We hope that this action will be supported by both the Employers' Union and other Trade Unions.

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